
Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Arabian night. Aladdin. N bla bla bla.

Salam & hi sume~
Woot woot. Pe kabo laling laling saya sekalian? Sihat kah anda? Hope u guys are in the pink of health yap. Me, alhamdulillah, sihat walafiat. Hehe. :))

So, how's your aidiladha celebration? Meriah kah? Hehe. Opps, takmo cite pasal ni lah. Nak cite psal mende lain.

And so, the journey started...

Got a lovely card..
Opps, it's an invitation to Arabian & Bollywood night!

Oh, it's my company's annual dinner. Hmm. Arabian & bollywood night. Hee. at Gambang Waterpark? Hmm. Oke, since it was my first time going there, so quite looking forward juge. tp rasa mcam, "haa, kat Gambang je? Sdri pon boleh drive pegi kot~" Tapi, it's foc, so, jgn banyak cakap, pegi saje, OK! :P

Hmm, nak pakai apa yaa for the dinner? Oke, let's google anything interesting for the what to wear. Actually myself takdela kata gile nak melaram sampai nak dapat best female dress award bagai. Just enough if i can follow the theme je lah. At least when i decided to buy baju/accessories for my dinner, i will ensure that it will be cost effective for me. next time i can still wear it. easily. tak yah sakit2 kepala nk pikir bile lg mau pakai. *kedekut ke saya? Haha. Nope, i dont think so!*

Oh, well i have these for my dinner! Like it! :))

Ini heels. harga emmm below RM100. Boleh pakai later2. :) Silver in colour.
Ini jubahglam. Harga below RM300. Boleh pkai lg next time.

Hmm, so, memandangkan sume tu boleh dipakai lg next time, so, oke lah spent sket. kan? :)) 

And, tadaaa, it's me wearing those items..

Yeah, harus laa amik gmbr dlu bfore ke red carpet. Hoho. =p
Aku tak hengat ape laaa yang aku dok gelakkan time tu..hahaha
 Okelaaa, jom duduk.. makan2.. n tengok si artis perform...

Aweks TSD~ Me, Pija & Zana.
Eh eh. Maghribi? Morrocan? Hahaha. =p
Ramainya manusia!!
And, guess what, dapat cabutan bertuah. Tapi dapat ini jeee....

Apsal aku kalot nak amik gmbr neh?? Tu hadiah aku. tupperware je~
Org lain dpt TV. aku? T_T
 And so, the performance and hiburan pon bermula...

Among the top ten female best dress
Kiri kanan kiri..Eh eh. silap. Ni bukan nak kawad. tapi nak memperagakan pakaian laa. =p
Bini aladin! Ade gaya jadi model nih.. :D
Among the top ten male best dress
Family aladin! Yeay.
Gaya macam ini pon ada ka? Macam org preggy jalan jek haku tgk. Haha =D
Yeyeahh. Kuch kuch hota haiiiii~ Original from India maa~
Kids best dress. Eh adik, ngah nak azan ke tu? Hehehe :D
And the artist is....

Mila! Best suara die. Kecik sgt mila nih. Haha
Hmm.. org main alat muzik. OK, caption sgt skema. -.-"
Ni org menari. Menari merak ke hape tah ni. Hahaha
OK, ni Dayana Idola Kecil. Tapi nyanyi asek dok tgk enset je. N suara x best pon. Hmmm -_-"
 Eh, tgh i sibuk nak makan, tetibe ade plak fotog dtg nak amik gmbr. Ok, over sgt ayat tuh. Haha.
Tapi gaya sama je. Bese laa, tak penah jd model kan. hmmm -_-"

And, oyeahhhh, the next day is the main2 air day! Yeay. :))

Best main air. Da x amik2 gmbr ape. Haha. And penat.

Ok, mau slow2 ke Taman Astakona. Mau mimpi banyak2 pasal Moroccan. =p Nite sume~ Assalamualaikum.

when the goings get TOUGH, only the TOUGH gets going!

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