
Wednesday, 14 March 2012


Assalamualaikum & hi all.
Hari ni ssaje nk share on kata2 semangat.. because tak semua diberikan kekuatan rohani, jasmani & fizikal untuk menggapai impian masing masing. Most of my us have our own dreams. Our own target in life. But, sadly, we do not have much strength and courage to go realizing our dreams. End up, dream is merely a dream.

  • kunci kejayaan adalah melakukan apa yang ramai orang TIDAK lakukan. Semua mempunyai impian tetapi ramai yang tidak melakukan apa-apa sekarang, esok atau minggu depan. Kejayaan adalah dengan melakukan sesuatu, bukan sekadar mengimpikan sesuatu.
  • untuk mencapai sesuatu impian, pastikan impian tersebut adalah sesuatu yang kita sendiri percayai boleh dicapai - sesuatu yang boleh diterima oleh minda kita. Make it real enough to believe it!
  • caranya untuk MEMULAKAN sesuatu adalah, BERHENTI berangan, berhenti bercakap dan berhenti memberi 1001 alasan. Mulakan sahaja!
  • berhati-hati apa yang kita masukkan dalam minda/otak/kepala kita. Sebab apa sahaja yang masuk, memang susah untuk dikeluarkan! Oleh itu, berusaha untuk masukkan perkara-perkara yang baik dan positif sahaja
  • 15… 20 tahun akan datang, kita akan menyesal dengan perkara-perkara yang kita TIDAK LAKUKAN SEKARANG berbanding dengan perkara yang kita lakukan. So, take some risk dan cuba perkara-perkara baru. Kalau tak… nanti menyesal

Hm, just wonder, kenapa sesetengah orang takut/tak nak/or ape2 tak lah..untuk realizekan diorg punye dream ek?

Hee, opkos korang ade dream car..dreamm house..dream wedding..dream wedding pon banyak oke. tp alhamdulillah, me already taken the first step. You guys, bile?

Lots of luv - Nurul

when the goings get TOUGH, only the TOUGH gets going!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Sikap & kejayaan.

Sekiranya ada satu sahaja elemen untuk diubahkan dalam diri kita untuk mencapai kejayaan yang cemerlang, elemen tersebut adalah SIKAP atau attitude.

Dengan mengubah sikap diri sendiri (dalaman), ia akan mengubah kejayaan kita (luaran). Sikap kita terhadap kerja, masa, wang, kejayaan, orang disekeliling, ilmu dan sebagainya.

Semua orang yang sudah berjaya kini, pada satu masa dahulu telah mengambil keputusan untuk lebih serius dalam mencapai kejayaan. Keputusan untuk lebih serius dengan diri sendiri akan mengubahkan sikap kita dalam berbagai bidang.

Mereka yang berjaya menanamkan sikap melakukan kerja yang sukar, penting & memberi pulangan. Manakala mereka yang tidak berjaya menanam sikap suka melakukan kerja yang mudah, tidak penting & sentiasa untuk release stress.

Lots of luv - Nurul

caranya untuk MEMULAKAN sesuatu adalah, BERHENTI berangan, berhenti bercakap dan berhenti memberi 1001 alasan. Mulakan sahaja!

when the goings get TOUGH, only the TOUGH gets going!

Friday, 9 March 2012

Kisah ku: Suatu ketika dahulu...

Salam Jumaat sume.
Kawan2, ape khabar? Hope u guys sihat. Me, sakit gastrik a pepagi lagi.. Sebabnye last night me tak mamam. Alaaa, semalam tak rasa nak mamam pon. Tak sangka plak pagi ni kene gastrik. Tapi until now pon me tak mamam agy. isk isk isk.

Hm, arini me saje trase nak bukak kisah lama me. Kisah before me join Premium Beautiful biz ni. Actually dari dulu lagi me memang ada niat nak berbiz. kenapa berbisnes? because of so many reasons..

  1. Nak menambah income sendiri & keluarga & bakal keluarga.. So that dapat la hidup bermewah sket.
  2. Bukan setakat nak menambah income actually, tapi more to nak idup selesa..bukan la kate skrg tak hidup that ape yang me btol2 nak me boleh dapatkan..say, super handbag ke..or supercar ke..or super duper ape2 lah..muahaha. 
  3. Nak time freedom..Buat betol2, betol2 buat. Kompem jadi. Mana2 biz pon, kalo tak kuat semangat, memang tak lama lah bertapak. So, me buat biz ni, nak lama..alang2 buat, biar merasa..biar one day sampai boleh buat biz ni full time..dan boleh fokus pd family..wee, syioknye.. so, BUAT BETOL2, BETOL2 BUAT. KOMPEM JADI! tak kira apa2 biz pon. :) Lagi plak, one day nanti, bile me da kawen kan, me nak raise my kids by myself. *thats y tak rasa akan kerja sampai 10tahun with petronas* Korang dapat rasa tak betapa bahagianya diri bila dapat tgk anak kita membesar depan mata. berikan diorg kasih sayang secukupnya..ajar anak2 saya ilmu agama, ilmu dunia..segalanya. Kadang2 me kesian je dkt kakak/makcik2 yg terpaksa kerja sampai pencen.. ank2 jauh ngn diorg walau hakikatnya jumpa tiap2 hari. me tak nak gitu. me nak anak2 me bahagia ngn me..nak jadikan diorg insan yg berguna.. ya ALLAH, berikanku peluang untuk bersama anak2 ku sepanjang tempoh pembesaran diorg.. huk2.
  4. Nak life freedom..Yelah, currently i'm still working..bekerja u..kerja ngn org plak kene la folo rules..kene kuar pg..pakai pakaian keje..kene g meeting situ..sini..kene buat apa yg kite x suke buat..ade assessment tu..dpt gaji pon nk kne tolak itu, where's my freedom?
  5. Yang paling penting financial freedom..yeyeah. buat biz (mana2 biz pon) of kos sbb nk dapatkan financial freedom. what is financial freedom anyway?? Ngee. means kite bebas dr hutang. duit kita tu adalah bersih utk kita pakai, saving, derma/sedekah..tanpa perlu nk sakit kpla nk pkir cane nk byr hutang A..nk byr hutang B..
  6. Nak bersama my family..with my mom especially.. I wanna grow old with my mom. tak nak terikat ngn apa2 which die ikat sy 8-5 everyday..tu pon kalo 8-5 lah..yelah kan, kalo kerja pon, rasanya takkan sampai pencen kot. or atleast keje yg sempoi2 suda. keje ape? lecturer sempoi tak?
Tapi me ni memang langsung takde basic knowledge dalam biz.. kosong. zero. Yes, I tell u, me memang kosong. Tak pandai biz langsung oke. Cume time kecik2 dlu la penah la jugak jual gula2 kt sekolah. sampaikan ngn my adik beradik nak pon me suh diorg beli ngn free2 oke. haha :D


Me mana la pandai nak cite2 pasal biz..nak promote2 barang me minat biz. so how?? Until there was one fine day, I was approached by my colleague.. She shared wit me about her PB biz. Time die cite tu, memang me dah bersinar bijik mata dah. sbb me rasa this a good platform for me to start. Yelah, sebab i dont have to have a shop to run my biz. I dont have to hire worker to run my biz. I dont have to think about all the stok lapuk..all the cost here and there..

Tapi at the same time, cuak. boleh ke me buat biz ni? Berjaya ke? Pandai ke nak itu..nk ini..?Boleh ke bla bla bla..Phew, yes, I admit that I'm negative awal2 before nak strt buat biz ni. Takut. Takut for nothing. Bila flash back, rasa cam bodoh pon ade.. Yelah, sbb takut for nothing. And yet, dah wasted much time there. Rugi sgt.

I took three weeks dear to think about this biz. because i let myself be controlled by the negative emotions and negative thinking. Huhu. 3 minggu, lama kan? Tup tup, buat jugak biz ni. Kalo diri tu minat nk berbiz, tp dok kompiush2..better la dont think too long n think too hard. because actually, for me (after da flashback blk), once kte terdetik dalam hati kite nak buat sesuatu (in this context, biz... PB biz), insyaALLAH, sebenarnya ALLAH mungkin da jodohkan kita dgn biz ni..

Yakin dengan percaturan ALLAH. Bukannya sesaje kan kite nk call/sms/pm sumone yg memang kite tak kenal..untuk tnyakan her about, mgkin the moment kita 'terasa' dlm hati kita tuh, mungkin kat situ ALLAH da aturkan sesuatu utk kita. Well, congrats to me. Sebab dipertemukan dgn biz ni, yakin dgn kemampuan diri sendiri dan berani bertindak.. alhamdulillah. :)

So, sampai lah sekarang me berbiz..Alhamdulillah, hutang2 da langsai..dulu banyak hutang me..hutang kad kredit lah..ade la hampir 10k..teruk kan? hahaha..well, budak baru belajar pakai kad kredit kan..nak wat cane.haha :P Plus, leh bagi lebih kt my mom. :)

Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah.. Sykur padaMU ya ALLAH. 

Guys, buat sesuatu pasti memerlukan keberanian. Keberanian untuk keluar dari comfort zone. If you think you have the spirit, spirit to have your freedom, do contact me peeps! I can show u da way. Sharing is caring anyway~

Lots of luv - Nurul 

when the goings get TOUGH, only the TOUGH gets going!

Happy Women's day!

Salam & hi all! 
What's up peeps? Hepi2 sokmo ye..tambah2 lagi arini. Hari ni Hari Wanita Sedunia..See, how special we are, sampaikan there is one special day to celebrate us! *Tapi actually guys & girls, u dont need to wait for the special to celebrate yourself!* Just be happy with yourself & dont care what others said about u, because at the end of the day, we ourselves is responsible for our own happiness~ Aiyayaya. Panjang plak ye me berceloteh? Keh keh keh.

A strong woman won't let anyone get the best of her. 
A woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone. 
No matter how many rocks she has stumbled upon her,
FAITH AND STRENGTH remains intact.

A strong woman is one who is able to smile this morning like she wasn't crying last night.

Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy.So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, THEY'RE amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.



The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think.


Be BEAUTIFUL more than pretty;  
Be SMART more than sexy;  
RESPECTED more than praised;  
DIGNIFIED more than popular; 
 Be a WOMAN more than a man’s lady. 

strong women are not easily give up!

Girls, always remember: 

You are smart enough and beautiful enough to never be taken for granted and to never be anyone's second best.



for whatever things happened to you, always believe in yourself. know that you are special, unique. hargai dirimu my dear.. love ourselves before we love others! 


Happy Women's Day! 

Lots of Luv - Nurul




when the goings get TOUGH, only the TOUGH gets going!

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Dont be afraid. Make ur move!

If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to. If you are not afraid of dying, there is nothing you cannot achieve.

It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself.
Don't be afraid to see what you see. 

People create their own questions because they are afraid to look straight. All you have to do is look straight and see the road, and when you see it, don't sit looking at it - walk.

One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do.
The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.”

Don't wait. The time will never be just right.

So what do we do? Anything. Something. So long as we just don't sit there. If we screw it up, start over. Try something else. If we wait until we've satisfied all the uncertainties, it may be too late.
 I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it.
Nite all. <3 . Jom tito. Salam. 
Lots of luv - Nurul

when the goings get TOUGH, only the TOUGH gets going!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

SM/SSM Award 2012

Salam & hi all!
Darls, what's up? Heee, sihat tak u all? Alhamdulillah, me sihat sangat. Tapi kan u all, tak tau la nape..lately selalu aje lapo tau. Maybe me nak makin membesar kot, kan? Ngeee :P

Hm, tonite malas nak mengarang... so me nak share ngan u all on the SM/SSM award last Feb. Ouch, by the way, this event meant for businesswoman/man untuk bahagian Central and Selatan. Untuk Pantai Timur belom buat lagi. and I am waiting dngan tak sabarnya majlis for us di pantai timur ni. *hati, sile sabar ye* Oh, verangan.. mau pakai dress camane ye nanti.. heee :)

This SM/SSM award is to celebrate and appreciate all the hard work of all the Sales Manager who managed to do sales of RM20,000 while for Senior Sales Manager with the sales of RM60,000. Em, me malas nk taip panjang lebar le..korang enjoy la ek this short video on the event and sile sile la usha pics my team members yang berjaya naik pentas atas kejayaan dalam biznes nya. :)

click here for the 

Barisan leaders with one of our team member yang received award. Congrats babe!
Kenalkan our leaders: DSM Naemah, DDM Nurul Aini, DDM Roslida. :)
My leader, DSM Naemah with Premium Beautiful top leader, CDM Maisarah. 
Petangnya majlis. Malamnya majlis ilmu. Tak susah dlm biz ni. Ilmu sntiasa diberi.. Nak or tak nk je.
Sebahagian dr team ktorang. :)
Congratulations to all recipients of the award! Especially to all our team members. Special thanks to all the Leaders from B32 especially, CDM Chan & Madam Lam, CDM Siti Rohana & CDM Azlan Deraman.

Best kan, korang? Hm, jom la share ngan me your passion... best kan sharing2.. mana tau we share the same  passion ke. :)

Quality family time?

Financial freedom?



Overseas holiday?

Menarik kan? Semua tu adalah my passion. Best kan? Tak sabarnye. What about u guys? Jom share with me, who knows we shared same passion. Confirm akan berbual panjang, tak abes point la berborak nanti kan? Ehe. :)

Lots of luv - Nurul

when the goings get TOUGH, only the TOUGH gets going!

Friday, 2 March 2012

Annoucing my new biz partners!

Salam & hi all!
Korang, ape khabar? Sihat tak? Hope u guys seme sihat k. Me..Of course la sihat and ceria as always. :)
You know what, esok me nak balik kampung. Thats why la me lagi excited and gumbira~ :) Hee, doakan me have a safe journey k u all. Okee, jom senyum lebar2. (^_____________^)v

U all ingat lagi tak yang me janji yang u all last two cakap nak announce something kan? hee. Oke u all, me nak announce on my new biz partners.. dua orang tau.. one pretty young mommy and one handsome guy.. both come from one of oil and gas companies in East Coast. Well, O&G, kompem2 gaji dah mahsyuk, but, hey, they still very enthusiastic in this business.

Let me introduce Kak Long a.k.a Nora Afzam first. Kak Long ni electrical engineer tau..Ex-UTPian, together with me. But, she is super super senior to me. Actually me and kak long kenal time me had practical training kt company yg sama back in 2008 dlu. And sampai sekarang we are still OK, until, ktorg bertemu kembali in this biz. Alhamdulillah.

Kak Long with her hubby. :)
Hehe. Already married with one kid, cute lil Wafa. Me baru skali tau tgk Wafa. Cute! Almost 3months plus. Hidung mancung. Hee. Cumil. :) Actually kak long ni memang biz-minded punya orang. Because she already had her own biz, but, Kak Long nampak peluang cerah dgn Premium Beautiful business ni. Lagipon perniagaan yang diperakui syarak dan mendapat Sijil Patuh Syariah from Security Commission. Lagi la mengukuhkan minat dan keyakinan kak long untuk berbiz. Alhamdulillah.

My next biz partner is a handsome guy, Che Abd Hadi. Electician yang sangat dedicated and competent in his field. And you know what, Che Adi adalah first male agent in our team for East Coast region. And we really proud to have him in our group. See, biz tak perlukan jantina. Asal hati nak, semua jalan. semua akan positif. Tanya diri, nak or tak nak. Nak seribu daya, tak nak seribu dalih.

Hm, me knal che adi sama lah mcm me knal k.long..masa tu me practical back in 2008. Dulu tak penah ckap pon ngn che adi. sebab I am not assigned in his section. and me ni penyegan sket. keh keh keh. Tapi, see, dalam biz ni, kami dipertemukan semula.Alhamdulillah, percaturan ALLAH sangat sempurna. insyaALLAH.

 Congrats to them, sebab diberikan kesedaran untuk terus berusaha memperbaiki arah yang lebih baik..actually kalau kata tak cukup duit, kompem2 tak la kot for both of them. Dah keje kt O&G kot, gaji sorang2 dah kompem mahsyuk.

And, me memang kagum gile and terharu sangat dengan diorg..Baru je join 2 hari dah ada confirmed buyer utk Premium Beautiful korset diorg. Ade la 4 korset sudah ada confirmed buyers. See, tak susah kan nak jual PB. Laki pon boleh jual. Jantina langsung tak memberikan halangan dalam biz. It is just the way u see it will determine how u will be. Thus, be positive. Look at only in the positive point of view.

Lastly, guys, if you would like to get your Premium Beautiful corset/waist nipper (bengkung) for me, you guys can just contact both of them:

Nora Afzam (PGB/UTP/Kelantan) - FB Nora Afzam RantissiChe Abd Hadi (PGB/Dungun) - FB : Adi Rashid

when the goings get TOUGH, only the TOUGH gets going!