
Sunday, 23 December 2012

MotoGP 2012.

Salam & hi sume~
Cik lalings, pe kabo? Hee, me alhamdulillah, masih diberikan kesihatan yang baik, disamping nikmat iman dan islam. Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah.Wow, lama sgt2 me tak menulis..kannnnn? Heee. Bizi la. Well, me kan jadi wedding planner for my sis pnye wedding. So, harus laa bizi. Kui3. Tapi, me actually banyak mmain dr siyus. Kui3. Tp siyes, penat wooo.

So, later when it comes to my turn, aku nak prepare siap2. awal2. tak kira aaa terlalu awal skalipon. tak sggup den. pnya la terkejar sana terkejar sini. nak mndi pon tak sempat. phewww. manyak mucuk maaa~
* tapi now da wangi laaa. heheeh ^___^ *

Eh, later me cite panjang2 k on the event k. This time me nak setelkan hutang yang tertunggak, MotoGP 2012, on 20-21 Oct. Tapi, tamo cite manyak2. sbb cite ni da basi..(N me pon da x ingat daaa psal ape mnde nk cite.Kui3~) so, me just hidangkan pics je eh.. aci tak?

Ayah Pin kasi free tix. Maceh!!
Before race start, jomm laa kite amik gmbo dulu! -.-"
It was a sunny morning... But, we hoped for the rain during the Moto2 race. :)
Why kitorg wish a rainy day? Because, Hafizh can perform better on rainy day! Oppps, lupa nk let awak2 sume know.. actually me ke sana to support Hafizh. He's my cousin anyway. Well actually me mmg x folo sgt pon die pnye perkembangan.. last year pon x sempat nk folo my family tgk die race (Moto2 Wildcard).

But this year, alhamdulillah, got the chance to see him... And, i tell u, it was totally a different feeling after me dah pegi sana..n tgk die race. Hehehehe. Baru laa me rasa mcm, me shud be very proud to have someone that can make us proud.. not us, but Malaysia too!

And, the world recognized him now! Thank you Allah. :)

Opps, this is him. On the race.

Sgt membanggakan! From 27th starting grid headed to 4th!
He really did it!
If korang nk tau, he started at petak ke 27. And finished the race at petak ke 4 (Race x full sbb ujan lebat!) If it is not because of the tyre, I guessed he would have won the race. It's oke, long way to go pescao! Dari petak ke 27 terus kejar dan kejar and within the first lap, dah berada di position ke 14. And die sempat lead the race for 3 full laps. *Im so terharu!! at that time laaa. Hehehe*

Oh, in Spain, he was called 'Pescao', which means little fish. Why little fish? Sbb die masih budak hingusan! Die baru 18. Lg sebab die 'perform' on wet race. Thats y laaa pescao = little fish.

Thanks en photog!
Oh, it is me! With that ugly face. -.-" Who cares? I don't care. At that time, bile Hafizh reached our grandstand, aku n my family (spot few white shirts around me?), ktorg bgun & sorak gile2 babeng pnye lah.. n i tell u, smpai serakkk gile sore aku pastu.. kikiki. tapi really worth it!

Wahahaha. Seb baik ade gak pic yg well-behaved! :P
-.-" lg...
Actually, masa awal race, kami the whole family je yg bangun n sorak jerit2 bile Hafizh lalu... sebab masa tu Malaysians tak tahu menahu pon who on earth is Hafizh Syahrin. Sebab masa tu baru je lepas Moto3 race kot. So sume masih lagi dibayangi Zulfahmi yg baru je menang race. But then, after few laps, baru laa diorg sume tau yg Hafizh is also Malaysian. And diorg pon started to support n jerit2 for Hafizh. 

And, suasana lagi kecoh masa Moto2 race compared to Moto3. At my grandstand la. di lain2 location me tatau laa. hehe.

Haaa, this is gambar kegembiraan. Ayah Pin kissed syg n bangga ngn anak die. :)

Congrats Hafizh!
Little about him during the Moto2 2012:
  • 2nd time been invited as wildcard racer for Moto2. 
  • Wildcard rider for Moto2 2012, started at 27th and finish at 4th. 
  • Led 3 full laps.
  • It was the best ever finish by a wildcard rider in Moto2 history. Hafizh is also the first Malaysian wildcard rider to score a points finish in history.
  • Earned 13 points for his hard work, surpassing even Thai Ratthapark Wilairot, who has eight points in his full Moto 2 season.
  • Hafizh even set the fastest lap of the race, clocking 2:23.707 when he was leading the race.
  • He is also the youngest rider to have ever scored a win in the SuperSports 600cc class of the Petronas Asia Road Racing Cham­pion­ship, a feat accomplished last year when he out-raced world-class rider Katsuaki Fujiwara in Qatar.

Above all these, I'm so proud of you, pescao!

Setakat ini saje untuk kali ini. Cite yg suda basi. It's ok, better late than never ayte? Blame my sis's wedding! =p

Nanyte lalings. Assalamualaikum.

p/s: tadi cakap nk hidang gmbr je..ttibe dah ingat balik ape nk cite.tu yg ade esei plak tuh. kui2. 

the goings get TOUGH, only the TOUGH gets going!

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Arabian night. Aladdin. N bla bla bla.

Salam & hi sume~
Woot woot. Pe kabo laling laling saya sekalian? Sihat kah anda? Hope u guys are in the pink of health yap. Me, alhamdulillah, sihat walafiat. Hehe. :))

So, how's your aidiladha celebration? Meriah kah? Hehe. Opps, takmo cite pasal ni lah. Nak cite psal mende lain.

And so, the journey started...

Got a lovely card..
Opps, it's an invitation to Arabian & Bollywood night!

Oh, it's my company's annual dinner. Hmm. Arabian & bollywood night. Hee. at Gambang Waterpark? Hmm. Oke, since it was my first time going there, so quite looking forward juge. tp rasa mcam, "haa, kat Gambang je? Sdri pon boleh drive pegi kot~" Tapi, it's foc, so, jgn banyak cakap, pegi saje, OK! :P

Hmm, nak pakai apa yaa for the dinner? Oke, let's google anything interesting for the what to wear. Actually myself takdela kata gile nak melaram sampai nak dapat best female dress award bagai. Just enough if i can follow the theme je lah. At least when i decided to buy baju/accessories for my dinner, i will ensure that it will be cost effective for me. next time i can still wear it. easily. tak yah sakit2 kepala nk pikir bile lg mau pakai. *kedekut ke saya? Haha. Nope, i dont think so!*

Oh, well i have these for my dinner! Like it! :))

Ini heels. harga emmm below RM100. Boleh pakai later2. :) Silver in colour.
Ini jubahglam. Harga below RM300. Boleh pkai lg next time.

Hmm, so, memandangkan sume tu boleh dipakai lg next time, so, oke lah spent sket. kan? :)) 

And, tadaaa, it's me wearing those items..

Yeah, harus laa amik gmbr dlu bfore ke red carpet. Hoho. =p
Aku tak hengat ape laaa yang aku dok gelakkan time tu..hahaha
 Okelaaa, jom duduk.. makan2.. n tengok si artis perform...

Aweks TSD~ Me, Pija & Zana.
Eh eh. Maghribi? Morrocan? Hahaha. =p
Ramainya manusia!!
And, guess what, dapat cabutan bertuah. Tapi dapat ini jeee....

Apsal aku kalot nak amik gmbr neh?? Tu hadiah aku. tupperware je~
Org lain dpt TV. aku? T_T
 And so, the performance and hiburan pon bermula...

Among the top ten female best dress
Kiri kanan kiri..Eh eh. silap. Ni bukan nak kawad. tapi nak memperagakan pakaian laa. =p
Bini aladin! Ade gaya jadi model nih.. :D
Among the top ten male best dress
Family aladin! Yeay.
Gaya macam ini pon ada ka? Macam org preggy jalan jek haku tgk. Haha =D
Yeyeahh. Kuch kuch hota haiiiii~ Original from India maa~
Kids best dress. Eh adik, ngah nak azan ke tu? Hehehe :D
And the artist is....

Mila! Best suara die. Kecik sgt mila nih. Haha
Hmm.. org main alat muzik. OK, caption sgt skema. -.-"
Ni org menari. Menari merak ke hape tah ni. Hahaha
OK, ni Dayana Idola Kecil. Tapi nyanyi asek dok tgk enset je. N suara x best pon. Hmmm -_-"
 Eh, tgh i sibuk nak makan, tetibe ade plak fotog dtg nak amik gmbr. Ok, over sgt ayat tuh. Haha.
Tapi gaya sama je. Bese laa, tak penah jd model kan. hmmm -_-"

And, oyeahhhh, the next day is the main2 air day! Yeay. :))

Best main air. Da x amik2 gmbr ape. Haha. And penat.

Ok, mau slow2 ke Taman Astakona. Mau mimpi banyak2 pasal Moroccan. =p Nite sume~ Assalamualaikum.

when the goings get TOUGH, only the TOUGH gets going!

Monday, 15 October 2012

Trip to Herbaline: Beautifully Rejuvenated!

Salam & hi sume~
Ape kabo my lalings sekalian? Hope anda sume sihat yep. :) Me, as usual, alhamdulillah, sihat walafiat. Memang sihat sangat2 skrg ni. sampai nak kene exercise workout bagai. =p

Well, this recent weekend, me had a trip to Ganung Kiterr. Main objective is to go secret place! so sambil2 menunggu the right time for the secret place, me menuju laa ke lain2 tempat dahulu..yeay! dapat satu turban. Heheh. ;))

Oh, the secret place is... tadaaaaa!


Yepp, Herbaline laa the secret place yang me cakap tu. Why secret place? Sebab people just can't notice this beauty house. Kire macam secret jugak la tu kan? Hehehe :D Well, this beauty house was actually introduced by my friend. special. Dia yang ajak pegi.

So, me plak, "hm, why not give myself a try?". Me pon mmg tak tau pon that this Herbaline K.Terengganu ni has a very beautiful landscape & environment pon. Kalo tau, me singgah dari awal lagi. Haish. *Nyesal*

We booked the session at 3pm. Tapi kitorg a bit late sebab salah pintu masuk. At first stop betol2 tepi main road, tp heran, where's the entrance? Haha. Rupa2nya entrance is at the back. So tpaksa laa drive ke belakang. Haha.

ktorg sampai n belom klua kete agy dah disambut oleh hmmm.. pekerja bangladesh. bawakkan payung untuk kami. Konon tak nak kami kene panas la kot. =p Pastu kami dibawa masuk ke dalam house itu. And then, kami disapa oleh bau aromaterapi menusuk kalbu. *sungguh best & menenangkan* serta aweks herbaline. sume chinese.

Pastu kami dibrief about the treatment that we gonna have after this, but at the same time die ade provide wet face towel untuk lap muka & tangan, as well as the tea. Tak sure teh ape. But i bantai je sbb dahaga! =p

The treatment untuk 1st timer is just RM38. Yes, RM38 i tell u! And it includes;

  • Natural sea salt foot spa: Yg ni kaki kite direndam dalam air suam & the herbaline gal akan add sea salt kt dalam sinki untuk kite rendam kaki kita. ade provided skali dengan berus untuk kite sental kaki kasi klua itu semua kulit kering. or daki. or kudis. or etc. =p

  • Natural aromatherapy: This one is kite kene inhale & exhale from a pot of aromatheraphy punye air kot. sebanyak 3x. kite face the periuk yg ade aromatherapy tu, and sedut hembus la sbyk 3x. refreshed you i tell u! =p
  • Facial treatment with shoulder massage: This one if im not mistaken takes you about 90mins punye treatment kot. Double cleansing, n then ade buang sel kulit mati pakai device pe tah. Geli. Haha. And then steam, and extraction. And mask. and shoulder massage. After the facial, we are provided with lemongrass tea. Katanya untuk buang angin. Aku mmg sendawa errrpp errrppp je laaa. haha =p
  • Fish Spa: Yang ni ktorg punye last hmmm..last activity.. eh? last item? watever la. Fish spa. Yeay, my very first time buat fish spa. Hehehe. x sakit pon. just rasa very cute electric shock. erk overkah? haha. tp oke la. awal2 me buat sume ikan dtg n ggit my kaki. then after 15mins after that kot, tibe2 sume ikan da xde.. agaknye da xde kulit mati da kot~ =p

Yang ni pemandangan sebelah fish spa. :) Tenang je.
Sementara mnunggu nak masuk VIP room for facial! Yeay.

Ok, so sume sume tu took me about 3hours! Yeay! I like it! and, opkos lagi lagi like it bile harga for first timer is just RM38! And the 2nd, 3rd, n next timer will be RM85! only! For all the services yang sama mcm i tulis tadi. Worth it sgt kan?

Next trip will bring my sis & my mom. Yeay. They will surely love it too! And, Herbaline also accepts male customer yep. :) Leh dtg kapel2 gitu. Tapi untuk yg da kawen la. Yg belom kawen boleh, tp mintak bilik asing yep! Dosa tau kalo bilik same. =p

Bukak 7-day/week. Better set an appointment dlu kol bape2 korg nak datang. Kang datang terjah gitu, skali full. Haha. Korg gak padan muka. So the contact details are:

Herbaline K.Terengganu,
No 943 Jln sultan Mahmud,
Kuala Ibai 20400, KT.
Tel: 09-6163377.

Happy! Tak sabar nak g lagi. Thanks encik awak. bawak saya datang sini. :)

when the goings get TOUGH, only the TOUGH gets going!

Friday, 12 October 2012

Resipi Apam Polka Dot Dot Dot.

Salam & hi sume~
Yeah, 2nd post for today. Ehe. :)

Basically this post me nk share ngan u ols about my apam polka dot dot dot recipe. Hee. Actually few of my friends da risik2 the recipe, I gave them personally la kan. Tulis2 n bg kat diorg. Tp since ramai plak yg tanya, so terpaksa laa me tulis kt sini.

Sharing is caring anyway, aite?  

Tapi, sadly, this post pon mungkin xde pictorial instruction since my last me buat the apam polka dot dot dot ni, me tak sempat nye nak snap the step by step of the apam. Ye la, buat sorang2 maaa~ Takde assistant maa.

Mana nya nak sempat bukak paper cup tu. mana nak sempat nya isi dough tu (dough ke org pggil? =p). Mana nak sempat nya nk isi filling tu. Thats y laa me tak dapat provide u all step by step guide. Next time me re-post included with the pics ya? Hee. :)

Oh, let's start!

The ingredients for the apam polka dot dot dot are:

1. 3 biji telur gred A (fresh from fridge ye kawan2.)
2. 2,1/2 cawan gandum
3. 1 cawan gula halus
4. 3/4 cawan susu segar
5. 3 sudu teh baking powder
6. 3 sudu teh ovalette
7. 1 sudu teh esen vanilla
8. Pewarna
9. Filling (Boleh pakai jem je. Or pegi cari kat kedai buat kek, piping filling kot die pggil).

The apparatus needed are:

1. Periuk kukus: Pakai untuk kukus apam yep
2. Dulang yang macam buat akok or kuih cara or bekas utk buat kasui: This one hold the shape of apam. Me penah tgk org buat pakai double papercup, n me did try, but it didn't help me. N it lost its cute shape. :(

Bekas kuih kasui - bukan gmbar sy -
Dulang - Bukan gambar sy -

3. Piping bag: Untuk isi filling and dough.


4. Mixer: Untuk korang mix & blend (blend ke the right word? ok, watever~ =p) the ingredients, so that sume mix dgn sebati.

This number of ingredients can provide us plus minus 60 apam polka dot dot dot kot. size papercup yg paling kecik. yela, tak sempat kira. sekali kukus, ngap sekali. siap skali kukus, ngap lagi. Haha.

Ok, now, let's proceed with the how:

1. Masukkan semua telur, gula halus, and ovallete. Putar ke kelajuan maximum sehingga adunan jadi soft peak form. Or dgn kata lainnya, kalo korg angkat mixer tu, adunan tu tak jatuh ler dr mixer tu. die akan jadi kaler putih.

-Bukan gmbr sy-

2. Then, masukkan bahan2 lain yang selebihnya tu. Tepung gandum, baking powder, susu segar, dan esen vanilla. Putar dengan kelajuan minimum sampai le sebati.

3. Amik adunan tu, bahagi kpd beberapa bahagian, untuk korang bagi different colouring la. Kalo korang nak 5 kaler beza2, haa, bahagi laa kpd 5 bhgn. Macam cegu maths plak rase. =p

4. Then, isi laa adunan tu ke dalam piping bag. different colours for different piping bags ye kawan2.

5. Ha, ape lagi, masukkan la adunan td ke dalam papercup. isi just enough kasi tak nampak die punya bottom of the papercup je.

Gmbr sy. Hee. :)

6. Next, isi filling kegemaran korang. It can be peanut butter, blueberry, strawberry, or etc lah. :) Jgn byk sgt. Nanti papercup akan basah.

7. Topup semula adunan sehingga 3/4 paper cup. Then korang dot dot dot la atas adunan tu. Or lukis la pape corak yang korg suke. :)

Harap maklum. comot itu expected, ok~

8. Then kukus selama 10-15mins. And, siap!

1. Apam byk lubang tu mgkin sbb terlebih baking powder. So, mungkin boleh reduce the baking powder.
2. And, mungkin juga sbb wap air kat tudung periuk tu jatuh kat dlm apam tu kot. So, what u can do is, balut penutup periuk kukus tu dengan kain so that takde wap air masuk ke dlm apam tu.

Nak buat apam polka dot dot dot ni tak de lah susah sgt. senang je. Putar & putar, isi2, kukus, dah siap! Tapi yang lecehnya sbb nak kene isi sket, pastu letak filling, pastu isi lg, pastu letak dot dot dot plak. Sedikit leceh la. Tp, me suke je buat. 

Korang rajen tak buat? Kalo malas, suruh je me buat. =p Oke, gurau je. Haha.

Selamat mencuba u all.

p/s: sori gambar byk curi sana sini. sbb mmg x prepare utk have an entry about step-by-step of apam polka dot.

when the goings get TOUGH, only the TOUGH gets going!