
Monday 6 February 2012

3-day KL trip~

Salam & hi all~
What's up guys? Hoho. Cuti tiga hari (Pantai Timur), ke mana me pegi? Eheh. Waweee, me telah menghilangkan diri me ke KL. Hee, motip utama ke KL adalah untuk shopping tudung. Bajet nak cari shawl..Ececeh, jaoh plak la kan nk cari shawl. Haha.

And, u know what..
it is absolutely a GREEATTTT weekend for me!

Hm, me gerak ke KL after work, Khamis around 6pm.. Sekarang ni drive alone pon da rase nothing..Kat atas hiway tu pecut aje..tup2 eh, da smpai KL ke? Kui2.. Now rasa KL-KTH cam balik klate aje..

Dulu cuak jugak a, dulu takot kot nk drive kt Karak tu.haha..sebab jalan putar2 and turun bukit gitu.. but now, since da selalu back and forth to KL, feels like nothing dah. Hee. And I love this change on myself!

Sometimes, we need to push ourselves out for the courage!

Well, thanks to ALLAH..and thanks to PB makes me this stronger! Dulu selalu jadikan alasan 'takut'..'tak kompiden'..'takut sesat'..bla bla bla bile time nak ke KL..end up naik bas. muahaha..tu suatu ketika dahulu la..Now? Now things have changed. :)
Hm, Jumaat me pegi mana ye? Hee, tengahari tu me pegi stokis- B32, to restock barang. banyak barang yang diorder, antaranya, PBwash, herba maharani (herba kesuburan wanita), Bioever cream (krim kecantikan), lactolite (minuman yogult kultur untuk usus), and Premium Beautiful korset sdri lah. Hee, tak sia sia tau me pegi..madam bagi sekotak limau! Thanks madam. semoga lagi murah rezeki ye biz madam. hee. :D


Me pegi stokis time lunch hour, guess jumpa ramai kakak2 nurse tau..seme cun2..badan seme mcm kerengga..pakai plak kan PB..perghh..mmg mantop ler..hehe..

Ehe, tapi taleh la tunjuk muka..heee :D

Hm, actually this trip kali ni more to nak berjalan2 with my sis..dulu ade janji ngan her nak pegi Nilai 3, nak temankan her shopping for her wedding prep. Hee, u know what, actually she planned to go for her kursus kawen and me buat surprise for her..last minute me cakap nk g KL..and, she cancelled her kursus kawen for me. Thanks sis!!
Hemo2..semangatnye diorg makan! hee

Hm, Saturday morning i became her driver..we went to Nilai 3, shopping some stuff for her wedding..and yang tak beshnye, panas sangat and i got migraine,grrr~ Hancus plan petang tu. Bajetnya nak kuar for tudung shopping plak.. But then, cancelled sebab me tito due to migraine..
Nak menyelit sket boley tak? Hee :P
Pastu malam tu, my sis n her fiancee bawak me pegi I-city..Ngee, opkos la me excited tak hengat dunie..sebab me mane penah pegi sane *uiks, jakun~* hahaha. Nak wat cane, tak penah berpeluang pegi sana. Hm, tade la best sangat..tgk lampu2 jek..oh no, I'm not a kid..kot~ That's y la me x enjoy pon kat sna..kot~ 

Ehe, eye on msia pon da ade..hehe..
Best kan dapat jalan jalan..cuci mata..release tension..kenal2 tempat orang..yela kan, kalo asek berjalan kat tempat biasa kite pegi..tak best a kan..tak syok a kan..

Pastu lagi menariknya..balik2 kerteh je..dapat plak satu good news..rase macam nak lompat toing toing pon ade..nk tau?? next entry me cite k!! tunggu...

Lots of luv - Nurul 

When the goings get TOUGH, only the TOUGH gets going!

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