
Wednesday 11 January 2012

Introducing my biz partner~

Salam & hi alls!
Guys, ape khabar? Hope u guys in the pink of health k~ Hm, me, oke lah..sihat la..but have sore throat + ala2 nak batuk sket. Huk2. Musim orang nak demam kot skrg.

Arini me nak share ngan u all about my biz partner, Saladiwiyana Iman.. I called her K.Salad~ :) Actually K.Salad ni me kenal time praktikal one of oil and gas company in Kerteh. Back in 2008.

And dulu time me praktikal kitorang wat hal masing masing aje..Tak pernah pon borak-borak, tapi alhamdulillah, boleh kenal and rapat thru this biz. :) Best kan, yang mana tak pernah kenal pon, after joining this biz, terus boleh rapat n mesra lg gitu~ Hee.

K.Salad ni da lame tau keje kt oil n gas company tu..Ade lah plus minus 5,6 tahun.. Gaji memang dah mahsyukk a..Mr hubby nye pon keje besh jugak..orang2 laut ade jugak buat biz homestay kat Langkawi. Kalo kire campur both gaji plus extra income from homestay tuh, perghh memang mahsyukk a bulan2.. 

tapi masih nak buat biz untuk masa depan yang lebih cerah dan jugak nak pegi melancong sama-sama. itu memang kompem nampak...siapa nak bagi? Keje dah bertahun2 pon, belom tentu company hakiki nk bg free trips, kan? 

 Dream wherever you want, because it is POSSIBLE!
 just dream! and, make sure DREAAMMMM BIGGGGG!!!


Actually K.Salad & hubby ni memang business-minded pnye orang la..sbb they see opportunities kat mana2, bile me tunjukkan peluang to her, cepat2 K.Salad grab. Langsung takde pon negative thoughts come to her mind. Memang impressed gile ngn K.Salad~ :)

I was ssoo impressed with her determination and InsyaAllah Q akan bantu guide K.salad to be successful businesswoman k..Just duplicate leader ok dear… :)

To those yang berminat untuk dapat free trial fitting of our miracle PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL or business, do contact her ok~ :)


when the goings get TOUGH, only the TOUGH gets going!


  1. Yeaaaa...I believe that everything is's just the obstacles that you need to clear..

  2. Yupss, nothing is IMPOSSIBLE!apa yang kita impikan adalah sesuatu yang POSSIBLE jek...cuma hati kite, kehendak kita, usaha, doa dan tawakkal kita mestilah seiring dengan cita2/impian kita.. insyaALLAH.
