
Friday 12 October 2012

Im officially 25!!

Salam & hi gorgeous~
What's up darls? Laling laling saya sume sihat kah? Hee, mesti lah sihat kan. Nama pon gorgeous. Kalo sakit/tak sihat, tak gorgeous laa kan? =p Oh oke, da mule merepek pjg. Lalala~ =p

It's 12th October 2012 today. And, yes, I'm now officially 25.

So, wahai hati, wahai diri..anda rasa muda or tua or fresh or what what what? Hahaha. Hm, hati cakap, "sometimes rasa tua. sometimes rasa young jek. tapi bile tgk friends at my surrounding yang ramai da kawen, and da ade baby, terus terasa macam.. hmmmmm"..

Oh, tak sangka my hati will jawab gitu eh. sebelum ni tak penah kabo la plak gitu. keh2. tapi, it's oke.. because i'm holding on to a best friend of mine pnye kata - kata, "Age is just a word". So, kalo dah nama pon word kan, buat ape sibuk2 nak risau lg kan?

It's about how do you see it. Kalo kite rasa tua, then mmg the ketuaan itu akan ter'reflect's la... so, think young. be young. and feel young! Haha. baru la muda sokmo.

and, look what i've got for my jubli perak besday!


This box was surprisingly menyelinap masuk ke dalam bilik ku. Mungkin die ade roda kot. or ade sayap kot. or ade kaki kot. Hehe. Bile tgk that pressie on my bed, eh, "magic nye. ade hadiah la.. hee. jatuh dr langit ke. =p". Nak tau ape kat dalam? 


Hehehe. Nama pon tak tau nak kasi ape. Yeay. tambah lagi satu koleksi. So fluffy. N muke die so cute. Hehe. This one my osmet kasi. ktorang da lama osmet, since kat UTP, then time practical, n now time ktorg da keje. Ehe. Nama die Pinat. Nurul Syafinaz. :) Thanks yang for this cute n fluffy bear. :))

Malam besday ku itu, daku pegi lah menengok wayang bersama sorg kawan. special. ;) . dengan kalot2 balik dr aerobic, n berkejar utk mandi n solat n bersiap, n vrooom vroom menuju Mesra Mall. n alhamdulillah sempat jugak laa kejar kol 8 tu. Hee. ktorg tgk muvi Hotel Transylvania. Tak tau la plak muvi tu psal si ayah and his rancangan utk celebrate for her daughter's birthday. So i macam perasan2 sorg2 a..konon2 tu my besday laa diorg sambut. Wahaha >.<

Da la masa tgk muvi tu perut bunyi2. keroncong siap. Haha. Kruuup kruuupp. Org sebelah siap tanya, "lapa ke?" Waaa. aku nak gelepo kot lapo. buleh plak die g tanya agy. Hahaha >.< Abes muvi trus g mamam. Tapi nasi x sedap, n tak abes pon. :( n then balik la ke rumah sewa. 

And, more surprises!!

Heee, dapat ni from kawan. special. Thanks to yg memberi. :) Wow, dapat kad. Dah lama kot tak dapat kad neh. Rasa macam zaman bercintan kecik2 dlu smula je. Haha. :D And, thanks jugak sudi menurunkan diri anda ke sini to accompany me tgk muvi. :)

Like. Like. :) Hee. dapat set of miniatures from Marc Jacobs, Daisy. :) . Tp hm, harus laa sayang nak pakai. Saje je bg this cute lil' stuff gini. Mmg kompem syg laa nk bukak & pakai. =p And, thanks jugak on the telekung. Like. Pandai pilih. :) Pon sayang jugak nak pakai. Wahaha. Adoi, takkan nak wat perhiasan kan? =p

So, that's it. Im 25. and Im OK. Doesnt bring any difference pon. Im still leading a life as before. So, no matter how old are you, it's just a matter of 'word'. Haha. Just be happy. Tua or muda kite sdri yg define. No worry babe.

And last skali, sy sgt hargai kawan2 yg mendoakan sy. Tak kira pada hari kelahiran sy, or lain2 hari. Sbb hadiah yang terbaik adalah sebuah doa. :)

It's 7.11am. Jom siap2 utk hike Bukit Bauk peeps!

when the goings get TOUGH, only the TOUGH gets going!

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